Today was the first day. I think it went very well. I seem to have some real sweet kids in my class. There is one though who has some real hyperactivity and attention issues. He talks NONSTOP.'s just constant. He also doesn't want to do any work and he seems to try and do things to sort of sneak out of it already. I wouldn't say he's a bad kid (At least not yet), he just has some issues that are probably out of his control.
I can't really think of anything funny to share from today. It is so freaking HOT this week! I had to wear a tie today and we were doing afternoon duty and the heat was just oppressive. Mrs. Principal said we can wear jeans the next two days though. That means I can wear a t-shirt too. YES! That will be much better than the button-down and tie. At least our AC works...after all, we DO have the oldest building of any in our district.
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