Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm getting observed tomorrow by a lady from the place where I received my teacher training. She always calls the night before and wants to come the next day. That kind of bugs me. Luckily this is the last of three required observations. Times like this make me wish I knew what the heck I was doing tomorrow.

4 days until spring break! Woohoo!

I've got a lot to do this week though because our 9 weeks grading period ends Friday. I've got to catch up on a lot of grading and makeup work, etc...

I had to take my car to the shop today so tomorrow I have to walk or ride my wife's bike to school. Luckily her bike doesn't look girly. She's pretty tall so I think she got a men's bike. That would suck if she had a pink bike with a basket and streamers on the grips...and a big banana seat. She has to be at work at some unGodly hour so she can't just drop me off at work.



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